Friday, August 31, 2018

CEURO Blog: A Host in Two Countries

By Cassia Smith

Jessica Mrase in Belgium
Have you been reading our Conversation on Transatlanticism in Europe blog? We've been posting blog entries and trip perspectives from our students who participated in our "Current Issues in Global and EU Affairs" course during the 2018 Spring semester. This course is part of our Conversation on Transatlanticism in Europe (CEURO) program, which is one of the EUC's immersive learning opportunities for students.

This week on Across the Pond, we're sharing student Jessica Mrase's reflections on her role in the 2018 Spring School. As a native of Illinois, and as a student who had previously spent time in Belgium, Jessica describes her desire to help her Illinois classmates discover the best of Belgium, and to make her Belgian classmates feel welcome in Illinois.

Learn more about the Spring School, or the CEURO program as a whole, on the CEURO website.


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