The Illinois International Photo Contest invites students to submit a photo and accompanying essay of their studies abroad. Recent MAEUS graduate Lauren Turk was awarded 2nd place in the Personal Connection category for her essay and photo of the Louvre in Paris. Lauren's essay originally appeared in the Study Abroad July newsletter.
by Lauren Turk

Paris is an
overwhelmingly enchanting city; the
buildings adorning the streets exude
beauty and brilliance, while the contents
within these buildings hold endless art,
history, and intrigue. On Wednesday
evenings the Louvre is open late. One of
my favorite pastimes was to go to the
Louvre, alone, on those Wednesday
evenings, to explore and contemplate
the endless artifacts of history. I began
feeling a personal connection with the
museum and with my favorite artists.
As I learned more about them through
their artwork and masterfully
conveyed messages, I also learned
about myself. Many might never
believe it to be possible to find
yourself alone in front of the Mona
Lisa, or the majestically grand rooms
throughout the Louvre—but it is.
Roaming the Louvre solitarily is
fantastic; for I wasn’t alone at all!
Millions of emotions, expressions and
pieces of history were staring at me in
the eye. The city of Paris taught me
more about art, love and emotion than
I had ever imagined. This particular
Wednesday evening was my last in
Paris; as I looked out upon the city
from within one of the most historic
buildings in the world, I knew that
my love for the city would never
fade, for that which we love we never
truly leave—it becomes a part of us.
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