by Dariusz Hareza and Lauren Ceckowski

Our third day in Svalbard began our adventure to
Barentsburg, a Russian mining town. To
get there, we were split into two groups to journey across the arctic waters by
zodiak! Our adventurous tour guides at Spitsbergen Travel suited us up in
survival suits and lifejackets for the ride of a lifetime. On our way out of
the dock we got our first glimpse of a seal basking in the sun beside the
boats. Our two hour boat ride was exciting, but also full of learning
experiences. We stopped along the coast of Spitsbergen to listen to a lecture
on the history of Grumant City. It was a Russian mining settlement established
in 1912, and abandoned in 1965, leaving behind an eerie ghost town of the
Soviet Era. Also along the way, we
paused along a massive outcropping to observe hundreds of Arctic Puffins who
had built nests precariously perched on the cliffside. Then we were off again with the wind and the
spray of the salty Arctic Ocean in our faces!

Wind burned and wet, but nonetheless exhilarated, we docked in the small port
of Barentsburg, Svalbard. Barentsburg was established in 1932 by Arktikugol, a
coal company, which still controls the settlement to this day. As we walked up
the steps from the dock we first felt as if we were transported back in time to
Soviet Russia, a much different feeling than arriving in Longyearbyen. The center of town held a statue of Lenin as
well as vacant buildings of a time past.
A single road cut through town connecting the school, hospital and sole
hotel and restaurant. As we looked past
our initial impressions we realized that Barentsburg was not only a town of the
past, but looking towards their future. Buildings were under construction, the
hotel was remodeled and new murals were beautifully painted. Barentsburg seemed to see a future outside of
just a coal mining s

After making our observations of Barentsburg, we got together as a group and
prepared for another hike. This time we were planning to explore the shores for
possible tidal pools so that we could get a better understanding of the abiotic
and biotic factors involved in such a unique ecosystem where organisms had to
be able to survive in both a marine and terrestrial environment. As we walked
out of Barentsburg we arrived at our first sign that warned us that we were
leaving the Safe Zone and that is when the threat of meeting a polar bear
became chillingly real to us. As true tourists, we stopped to take a number of
photographs with the sign. As we neared the end of our hike, Dr. Avango pointed
out the Russian helipad off in the distance. He told us that it was built in
response to the airport that had been built in Longyearbyen. Yet, though the
Russians say that its purpose is solely for helicopters, we were driven to think
that they may have had other intentions for its use since the runway was much longer
than a helicopter needed to land. We will leave the political intrigue for
another time.
After a thorough talk about the effects of erosion, we turned back since it was
about time for dinner. When we arrived to eat, we saw our tables at the
Barentsburg Hotel covered with a great assortment of Russian cuisine. The
tables were covered in foods we had never seen before and after such an
excellent feast we all broke into songs from our various backgrounds and had a
most jolly evening. We could hardly wait for what Barentsburg still had to
offer us the next day.
Hareza is a junior studying Molecular and Cellular Biology with Honors
Concentration, minoring in Chemistry, and is Pre-Med. He is from Oak
Lawn, IL.
Lauren Ceckowski is a senior studying Earth, Society, and Environment
with a concentration on Society and the Environment. She is from
Gurnee, IL.
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